Simulant  21.12-1292
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
Public Attributes | List of all members
smlt::Renderable Struct Referencefinal

Public Attributes

MeshArrangement arrangement = MESH_ARRANGEMENT_TRIANGLES
const VertexDatavertex_data = nullptr
const IndexDataindex_data = nullptr
std::size_t index_element_count = 0
const VertexRangevertex_ranges = nullptr
std::size_t vertex_range_count = 0
RenderPriority render_priority = RENDER_PRIORITY_MAIN
Mat4 final_transformation
Materialmaterial = nullptr
bool is_visible = true
LightPtr lights_affecting_this_frame [MAX_LIGHTS_PER_RENDERABLE]
uint8_t light_count = 0
smlt::Vec3 center
float precedence = 0.0f

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