Simulant  21.12-574
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
smlt::Degrees Member List

This is the complete list of members for smlt::Degrees, including all inherited members.

Degrees() (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
Degrees(float value) (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinlineexplicit
Degrees(const Radians &rhs) (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degrees
is_effectively_equal_to(const Degrees &rhs, float epsilon=0.0f) (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
operator!=(const Degrees &rhs) const (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
operator+=(const Degrees &rhs) const (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
operator-() const (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
operator-=(const Degrees &rhs) const (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
operator==(const Degrees &rhs) const (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degreesinline
value (defined in smlt::Degrees)smlt::Degrees