Simulant  21.12-1292
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
Classes | Functions
std Namespace Reference

Extensions to the C++ standard library. More...


struct  hash< ShaderAvailableAttributes >
struct  hash< ShaderAvailableAuto >
struct  hash< ShaderType >
struct  hash< smlt::Key >
struct  hash< smlt::monostate >
struct  hash< smlt::Path >
struct  hash< smlt::VertexSpecification >
struct  hash< std::tuple< TT... > >
struct  hash< unicode >
class  numeric_limits< half_float::half >


 DEFINE_ENUM_HASH (smlt::WriteOperation)
 DEFINE_ENUM_HASH (smlt::MeshArrangement)
 DEFINE_ENUM_HASH (smlt::IndexType)

Detailed Description

Extensions to the C++ standard library.