Simulant  21.12-1292
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
Public Member Functions | List of all members
smlt::ui::Keyboard Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for smlt::ui::Keyboard:
smlt::ui::Widget smlt::ContainerNode smlt::HasMutableRenderPriority smlt::ChainNameable< Widget > smlt::StageNode smlt::Nameable smlt::Loadable smlt::TransformListener smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed smlt::BoundableEntity smlt::Updateable smlt::Printable smlt::Nameable smlt::DestroyableObject smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >

Public Member Functions

 S_DEFINE_STAGE_NODE_PARAM (Keyboard, "mode", int, int(KEYBOARD_MODE_UPPERCASE), "The mode of the keyboard")
 Keyboard (Scene *owner)
void cursor_up ()
void cursor_down ()
void cursor_right ()
void cursor_left ()
bool cursor_to_char (uint16_t displayed_char)
void cursor_to_return ()
void cursor_to_case_toggle ()
void cursor_to_backspace ()
void cursor_to_ok ()
void cursor_to_space ()
void activate ()
void cancel ()
void set_mode (KeyboardMode mode)
KeyboardMode mode () const
bool is_keyboard_integration_enabled () const
void set_keyboard_integration_enabled (bool value)
void set_font (FontPtr font) override
TextEntryentry ()
void set_font (const std::string &family=DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, Rem size=Rem(1.0f), FontWeight weight=FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, FontStyle style=FONT_STYLE_NORMAL)
void set_font (const std::string &family=DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, Px size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, FontWeight weight=FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, FontStyle style=FONT_STYLE_NORMAL)
virtual void set_font (FontPtr font)
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::ui::Widget
 Widget (Scene *owner, StageNodeType type)
virtual bool on_init () override
virtual void on_clean_up () override
bool on_create (Params params) override
void resize (Rem width, Px height)
void resize (Px width, Rem height)
void resize (Rem width, Rem height)
void resize (Px width, Px height)
void set_font (const std::string &family=DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, Rem size=Rem(1.0f), FontWeight weight=FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, FontStyle style=FONT_STYLE_NORMAL)
void set_font (const std::string &family=DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, Px size=DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, FontWeight weight=FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, FontStyle style=FONT_STYLE_NORMAL)
bool is_focused () const
void set_focus_previous (WidgetPtr previous_widget)
void set_focus_next (WidgetPtr next_widget)
void focus ()
void blur ()
WidgetPtr next_in_focus_chain () const
WidgetPtr previous_in_focus_chain () const
void focus_next_in_chain (ChangeFocusBehaviour behaviour=FOCUS_THIS_IF_NONE_FOCUSED)
void focus_previous_in_chain (ChangeFocusBehaviour behaviour=FOCUS_THIS_IF_NONE_FOCUSED)
WidgetPtr first_in_focus_chain ()
WidgetPtr last_in_focus_chain ()
WidgetPtr focused_in_chain ()
void click ()
void set_text (const unicode &text)
void set_text_alignment (TextAlignment alignment)
TextAlignment text_alignment () const
void set_border_width (Px x)
Px border_width () const
void set_border_radius (Px x)
Px border_radius () const
void set_border_color (const Color &color)
void set_overflow (OverflowType type)
void set_padding (Px x)
void set_padding (Px left, Px right, Px bottom, Px top)
UInt4 padding () const
virtual bool set_resize_mode (ResizeMode resize_mode)
ResizeMode resize_mode () const
WrapMode wrap_mode () const
void set_wrap_mode (WrapMode mode)
bool has_background_image () const
bool has_foreground_image () const
void set_background_image (TexturePtr texture)
void set_background_image_source_rect (const UICoord &bottom_left, const UICoord &size)
void set_background_color (const Color &color)
void set_foreground_color (const Color &color)
void set_foreground_image (TexturePtr texture)
void set_foreground_image_source_rect (const UICoord &bottom_left, const UICoord &size)
void set_text_color (const Color &color)
Px requested_width () const
Px requested_height () const
Px content_width () const
Px content_height () const
Px outer_width () const
Px outer_height () const
const AABBaabb () const override
const unicodetext () const
void fingerdown (uint8_t finger_id)
void fingerup (uint8_t finger_id)
void fingerenter (uint8_t finger_id)
void fingermove (uint8_t finger_id)
void fingerleave (uint8_t finger_id)
bool is_pressed_by_finger (uint8_t finger_id)
bool is_pressed () const
void force_release ()
void set_anchor_point (RangeValue< 0, 1 > x, RangeValue< 0, 1 > y)
smlt::Vec2 anchor_point () const
void set_opacity (RangeValue< 0, 1 > alpha)
Px line_height () const
void set_precedence (int16_t precedence)
int16_t precedence () const
MaterialPtr border_material () const
MaterialPtr background_material () const
MaterialPtr foreground_material () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::ContainerNode
 ContainerNode (Scene *scene, StageNodeType node_type)
void do_generate_renderables (batcher::RenderQueue *, const Camera *, const Viewport *, const DetailLevel, Light **, const std::size_t) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::StageNode
std::vector< StageNode * > find_descendents_by_types (std::initializer_list< StageNodeType > type_list) const
StageNodefind_descendent_with_id (StageNodeID id)
const StageNodefind_descendent_with_id (StageNodeID id) const
bool is_root () const
StageNodePath node_path () const
StageNodefirst_sibling ()
const StageNodefirst_sibling () const
StageNodenext_sibling ()
const StageNodenext_sibling () const
StageNodeparent ()
const StageNodeparent () const
StageNodefirst_child ()
const StageNodefirst_child () const
StageNodelast_child ()
const StageNodelast_child () const
const StageNodechild_at (std::size_t i) const
std::size_t child_count () const
bool has_parent () const
void remove_from_parent ()
std::list< StageNode * > detach ()
void set_parent (StageNode *new_parent, TransformRetainMode transform_retain=TRANSFORM_RETAIN_MODE_LOSE)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
T * create_child (Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
T * create_child ()
template<typename T >
T * create_child (Params args)
void adopt_children (StageNode *node)
template<typename... Params>
void adopt_children (StageNode *node, Params... args)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
T * create_mixin (Args &&... args)
StageNodecreate_mixin (const std::string &node_name, const Params &params)
StageNodefind_mixin (const std::string &name) const
template<typename T >
T * find_mixin () const
std::size_t mixin_count () const
StageNodebase ()
const StageNodebase () const
bool is_mixin () const
bool generates_renderables_for_descendents () const
std::size_t generate_renderables (batcher::RenderQueue *render_queue, const Camera *, const Viewport *viewport, const DetailLevel detail_level, Light **lights, const std::size_t light_count)
void update (float dt) override final
void late_update (float dt) override final
void fixed_update (float step) override final
template<typename T >
size_t count_nodes_by_type (bool include_destroyed=false) const
bool is_part_of_active_pipeline () const
StageNodeload_tree (const Path &path, const TreeLoadOptions &opts=TreeLoadOptions())
AncestorIteratorPair each_ancestor ()
AncestorIteratorPair each_ancestor () const
DescendentIteratorPair each_descendent ()
DescendentIteratorPair each_descendent () const
SiblingIteratorPair each_sibling ()
SiblingIteratorPair each_sibling () const
ChildIteratorPair each_child ()
ChildIteratorPair each_child () const
std::string repr () const override
 StageNode (Scene *owner, StageNodeType node_type)
StageNodeType node_type () const
bool is_visible () const
bool is_intended_visible () const
void set_visible (bool visible)
smlt::Promise< void > destroy_after (const Seconds &seconds)
bool parent_is_scene () const
const AABB transformed_aabb () const override
ShadowCast shadow_cast () const
void set_shadow_cast (ShadowCast cast)
ShadowReceive shadow_receive () const
void set_shadow_receive (ShadowReceive receive)
StageNodefind_descendent_with_name (const std::string &name)
void set_cullable (bool v)
bool is_cullable () const
void set_precedence (int16_t precedence)
int16_t precedence () const
Transformget_transform () const
 S_DEFINE_PROPERTY (transform, &StageNode::get_transform)
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >
 Identifiable (StageNodeID id)
StageNodeID id () const
virtual bool operator== (const Identifiable< StageNodeID > &rhs) const
virtual bool operator< (const Identifiable< StageNodeID > &rhs) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::DestroyableObject
 DEFINE_SIGNAL (DestroyedSignal, signal_destroyed)
bool destroy ()
bool destroy_immediately ()
bool is_destroyed () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::Nameable
void set_name (const std::string &name)
const std::string & name () const
bool has_name () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::BoundableEntity
virtual const Vec3 center () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::Boundable
virtual float width () const
virtual float height () const
virtual float depth () const
virtual float half_width () const
virtual float half_height () const
virtual float half_depth () const
virtual float diameter () const
virtual float radius () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed
bool init ()
void clean_up ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::HasMutableRenderPriority
void set_render_priority (RenderPriority priority)
virtual RenderPriority render_priority () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smlt::ChainNameable< Widget >
Widget * set_name_and_get (const std::string &name)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from smlt::ui::Widget
typedef std::shared_ptr< Widgetptr
- Public Types inherited from smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >
typedef StageNodeID id_type
- Public Attributes inherited from smlt::StageNode
Property< generic::DataCarrier StageNode::* > data
Property< Scene *StageNode::* > scene = {this, &StageNode::owner_}
- Protected Member Functions inherited from smlt::ui::Widget
void set_style (std::shared_ptr< WidgetStyle > style)
virtual void on_size_changed ()
void _recalc_active_layers ()
bool border_active () const
bool background_active () const
bool foreground_active () const
virtual WidgetBounds calculate_background_size (const UIDim &content_dimensions) const
virtual WidgetBounds calculate_foreground_size (const UIDim &content_dimensions) const
void apply_image_rect (SubMeshPtr submesh, TexturePtr image, ImageRect &rect)
SubMeshPtr new_rectangle (const std::string &name, WidgetBounds bounds, const smlt::Color &color, const Px &border_radius, const Vec2 *uvs=nullptr, float z_offset=0.0f)
void clear_mesh ()
bool is_initialized () const
MeshPtr mesh ()
virtual void render_text ()
virtual void render_border (const WidgetBounds &border_bounds)
virtual void render_background (const WidgetBounds &background_bounds)
virtual void render_foreground (const WidgetBounds &foreground_bounds)
WidgetPtr focused_in_chain_or_this ()
void on_transformation_change_attempted () override
void rebuild ()
virtual void prepare_build ()
virtual void finalize_render ()
virtual void finalize_build ()
void build_text_submeshes ()
FontPtr load_or_get_font (const std::string &family, const Px &size, const FontWeight &weight, const FontStyle &style)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from smlt::StageNode
virtual bool on_destroy () override
virtual void on_update (float dt) override
virtual void on_fixed_update (float step) override
virtual void on_late_update (float dt) override
void on_transformation_changed () override
template<typename N >
bool clean_params (Params &params)
Sceneget_scene () const
void recalc_bounds_if_necessary () const
void mark_transformed_aabb_dirty ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from smlt::ui::Widget
MeshPtr mesh_ = nullptr
UIConfig theme_
FontPtr font_ = nullptr
std::shared_ptr< WidgetStylestyle_
ResizeMode resize_mode_ = RESIZE_MODE_FIT_CONTENT
WrapMode wrap_mode_ = WRAP_MODE_WORD
Px text_width_ = Px(0)
Px text_height_ = Px(0)
Px requested_width_ = Px(-1)
Px requested_height_ = Px(-1)
Px content_width_ = Px(0)
Px content_height_ = Px(0)
unicode text_
bool is_focused_ = false
WidgetPtr focus_next_ = nullptr
WidgetPtr focus_previous_ = nullptr
smlt::Vec2 anchor_point_
bool anchor_point_dirty_ = true
uint16_t fingers_down_ = 0

Member Function Documentation

◆ activate()

void smlt::ui::Keyboard::activate ( )

Sends the key_pressed signal for the selected key

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: