Simulant  21.12-1275
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
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smlt::batcher::RenderQueueVisitor Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for smlt::batcher::RenderQueueVisitor:
smlt::GL1RenderQueueVisitor smlt::GL2RenderQueueVisitor smlt::PSPRenderQueueVisitor smlt::TraceWriter

Public Member Functions

virtual void start_traversal (const RenderQueue &queue, uint64_t frame_id, StageNode *stage)=0
virtual void change_render_group (const RenderGroup *prev, const RenderGroup *next)=0
virtual void change_material_pass (const MaterialPass *prev, const MaterialPass *next)=0
virtual void apply_lights (const LightPtr *lights, const uint8_t count)=0
virtual void visit (const Renderable *, const MaterialPass *, Iteration)=0
virtual void end_traversal (const RenderQueue &queue, StageNode *stage)=0

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