Simulant  21.12-1292
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
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smlt::TransformListener Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for smlt::TransformListener:
smlt::StageNode smlt::Actor smlt::AudioSource smlt::ContainerNode smlt::CylindricalBillboard smlt::Debug smlt::FlyController smlt::Geom smlt::MeshInstancer smlt::Panel smlt::ParticleSystem smlt::Partitioner smlt::PhysicsBody smlt::Scene smlt::SmoothFollow smlt::SphericalBillboard smlt::Stage smlt::ui::UIManager

Public Member Functions

virtual void on_transformation_changed ()=0
virtual void on_transformation_change_attempted ()=0


class Transform

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