Simulant  21.12-1292
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
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smlt::Transform Class Reference

Public Member Functions

const Vec3position () const
const Quaternionorientation () const
const Vec3scale () const
const Vec3translation () const
const Quaternionrotation () const
const Vec3scale_factor () const
void set_position (const Vec3 &position)
void set_orientation (const Quaternion &orientation)
void set_scale (const Vec3 &scale)
void set_translation (const Vec3 &translation)
void set_rotation (const Quaternion &rotation)
void set_scale_factor (const Vec3 &scale)
void translate (const Vec3 &v)
void rotate (const Quaternion &q)
void rotate (const Vec3 &axis, const Degrees &amount)
void rotate (const Degrees &x, const Degrees &y, const Degrees &z)
void scale_by (const Vec3 &v)
void scale_by (float xyz)
Mat4 world_space_matrix () const
Vec2 position_2d () const
Vec2 translation_2d () const
smlt::Degrees orientation_2d () const
smlt::Degrees rotation_2d () const
void set_position_2d (const Vec2 &pos)
void set_translation_2d (const Vec2 &trans)
void set_orientation_2d (const Degrees &orientation)
void set_rotation_2d (const Degrees &rotation)
void set_scale_factor_2d (const Vec2 &xy)
void translate_2d (const Vec2 &xy)
void rotate_2d (const smlt::Degrees &rot)
Vec3 forward () const
Vec3 up () const
Vec3 right () const
Vec2 up_2d () const
Vec2 right_2d () const
bool set_smoothing_mode (TransformSmoothing mode)
TransformSmoothing smoothing_mode () const
bool add_listener (TransformListener *listener)
bool remove_listener (TransformListener *listener)
void update_transformation_from_parent ()
void sync (const Transform *other)
void look_at (const Vec3 &target, const Vec3 &up=Vec3::up())


class StageNode

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