Simulant  21.12-1292
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
smlt::Platform Member List

This is the complete list of members for smlt::Platform, including all inherited members.

available_ram_in_bytes() const =0 (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platformpure virtual
available_vram_in_bytes() const =0 (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platformpure virtual
name() const =0 (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platformpure virtual
native_resolution() const =0 (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platformpure virtual
process_ram_usage_in_bytes(ProcessID process_id) const =0 (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platformpure virtual
total_ram_in_bytes() const =0 (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platformpure virtual
used_ram_in_bytes() const (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platforminlinevirtual
~Platform() (defined in smlt::Platform)smlt::Platforminlinevirtual