using | iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag |
using | value_type = StageNode |
using | difference_type = uint32_t |
using | pointer = typename std::conditional< IsConst, const StageNode *, StageNode * >::type |
using | reference = typename std::conditional< IsConst, const StageNode &, StageNode & >::type |
bool | operator== (const DescendentIterator &rhs) const |
bool | operator!= (const DescendentIterator &rhs) const |
DescendentIterator & | operator++ () |
template<bool _IsConst = IsConst> |
std::enable_if<!_IsConst, pointer >::type | operator-> () |
template<bool _IsConst = IsConst> |
std::enable_if<!_IsConst, reference >::type | operator* () |
template<bool _IsConst = IsConst> |
std::enable_if< _IsConst, pointer >::type | operator-> () const |
template<bool _IsConst = IsConst> |
std::enable_if< _IsConst, reference >::type | operator* () const |
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