![]() |
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
This is the complete list of members for smlt::Camera, including all inherited members.
aabb() const override (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inlinevirtual |
adopt_children(StageNode *node) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
adopt_children(StageNode *node, Params... args) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
base() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
base() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
Camera(Scene *owner) (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
center() const (defined in smlt::BoundableEntity) | smlt::BoundableEntity | inlinevirtual |
child_at(std::size_t i) const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
child_count() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
clean_params(Params ¶ms) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotected |
clean_up() (defined in smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed) | smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed | inline |
ContainerNode(Scene *scene, StageNodeType node_type) (defined in smlt::ContainerNode) | smlt::ContainerNode | inline |
count_nodes_by_type(bool include_destroyed=false) const | smlt::StageNode | inline |
create_child(Args &&... args) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
create_child() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
create_child(Params args) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
create_mixin(Args &&... args) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
create_mixin(const std::string &node_name, const Params ¶ms) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
data (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
DEFINE_SIGNAL(DestroyedSignal, signal_destroyed) (defined in smlt::DestroyableObject) | smlt::DestroyableObject | |
depth() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
destroy() (defined in smlt::DestroyableObject) | smlt::DestroyableObject | inline |
destroy_after(const Seconds &seconds) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
destroy_immediately() (defined in smlt::DestroyableObject) | smlt::DestroyableObject | inline |
detach() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
diameter() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
do_generate_renderables(batcher::RenderQueue *, const Camera *, const Viewport *, const DetailLevel, Light **, const std::size_t) override (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inline |
do_generate_renderables(batcher::RenderQueue *, const Camera *, const Viewport *, const DetailLevel, Light **, const std::size_t) override (defined in smlt::ContainerNode) | smlt::ContainerNode | inlinevirtual |
each_ancestor() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_ancestor() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_child() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_child() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_descendent() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_descendent() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_sibling() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
each_sibling() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
find_descendent_with_id(StageNodeID id) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
find_descendent_with_id(StageNodeID id) const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
find_descendent_with_name(const std::string &name) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
find_descendents_by_types(std::initializer_list< StageNodeType > type_list) const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
find_mixin(const std::string &name) const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
find_mixin() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
first_child() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
first_child() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
first_sibling() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
first_sibling() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
fixed_update(float step) override final (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | virtual |
frustum() (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inline |
frustum() const (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inline |
generate_renderables(batcher::RenderQueue *render_queue, const Camera *, const Viewport *viewport, const DetailLevel detail_level, Light **lights, const std::size_t light_count) | smlt::StageNode | |
generates_renderables_for_descendents() const | smlt::StageNode | inline |
get_scene() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotected |
get_transform() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
half_depth() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
half_height() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
half_width() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
has_name() const (defined in smlt::Nameable) | smlt::Nameable | inline |
has_parent() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
height() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
id() const (defined in smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >) | smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID > | inline |
id_type typedef (defined in smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >) | smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID > | |
Identifiable(StageNodeID id) (defined in smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >) | smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID > | inline |
init() (defined in smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed) | smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed | inline |
is_cullable() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
is_destroyed() const (defined in smlt::DestroyableObject) | smlt::DestroyableObject | inline |
is_intended_visible() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
is_mixin() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
is_part_of_active_pipeline() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
is_root() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
is_visible() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
last_child() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
last_child() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
late_update(float dt) override final (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | virtual |
load_tree(const Path &path, const TreeLoadOptions &opts=TreeLoadOptions()) | smlt::StageNode | |
mark_transformed_aabb_dirty() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | protected |
mixin_count() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
name() const (defined in smlt::Nameable) | smlt::Nameable | inline |
next_sibling() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
next_sibling() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
node_path() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
node_type() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
on_create(Params params) override (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inlinevirtual |
on_destroy() override (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotectedvirtual |
on_fixed_update(float step) override (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotectedvirtual |
on_late_update(float dt) override (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotectedvirtual |
on_transformation_change_attempted() override (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotectedvirtual |
on_update(float dt) override (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlineprotectedvirtual |
operator<(const Identifiable< StageNodeID > &rhs) const (defined in smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >) | smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID > | inlinevirtual |
operator==(const Identifiable< StageNodeID > &rhs) const (defined in smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >) | smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID > | inlinevirtual |
parent() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
parent() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
parent_is_scene() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
precedence() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
project_point(const RenderTarget &target, const Viewport &viewport, const Vec3 &point) const (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
projection_matrix() const (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inline |
radius() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
recalc_bounds_if_necessary() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | protected |
remove_from_parent() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
repr() const override (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inlinevirtual |
S_DEFINE_PROPERTY(transform, &StageNode::get_transform) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
S_DEFINE_STAGE_NODE_META(STAGE_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA, "camera") (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
scene (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
set_cullable(bool v) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
set_name(const std::string &name) (defined in smlt::Nameable) | smlt::Nameable | inline |
set_name_and_get(const std::string &name) (defined in smlt::ChainNameable< Camera >) | smlt::ChainNameable< Camera > | inline |
set_orthographic_projection(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near=-1.0, float far=1.0) (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
set_orthographic_projection_from_height(float desired_height_in_units, float ratio) (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
set_parent(StageNode *new_parent, TransformRetainMode transform_retain=TRANSFORM_RETAIN_MODE_LOSE) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
set_perspective_projection(const Degrees &fov, float aspect, float near=1.0f, float far=1000.0f) (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
set_precedence(int16_t precedence) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
set_projection_matrix(const Mat4 &matrix) (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
set_shadow_cast(ShadowCast cast) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
set_shadow_receive(ShadowReceive receive) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
set_visible(bool visible) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
shadow_cast() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
shadow_receive() const (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | inline |
StageNode(Scene *owner, StageNodeType node_type) (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | |
transformed_aabb() const override (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inlinevirtual |
unproject_point(const RenderTarget &target, const Viewport &viewport, const Vec3 &win_point) (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | |
update(float dt) override final (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | virtual |
view_matrix() const (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | inline |
width() const (defined in smlt::Boundable) | smlt::Boundable | inlinevirtual |
~Camera() (defined in smlt::Camera) | smlt::Camera | virtual |
~ContainerNode() (defined in smlt::ContainerNode) | smlt::ContainerNode | inlinevirtual |
~DestroyableObject() (defined in smlt::DestroyableObject) | smlt::DestroyableObject | inlinevirtual |
~Identifiable() (defined in smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID >) | smlt::generic::Identifiable< StageNodeID > | inlinevirtual |
~Loadable() (defined in smlt::Loadable) | smlt::Loadable | inlinevirtual |
~Nameable() (defined in smlt::Nameable) | smlt::Nameable | inlinevirtual |
~Printable() (defined in smlt::Printable) | smlt::Printable | inlinevirtual |
~StageNode() (defined in smlt::StageNode) | smlt::StageNode | virtual |
~TwoPhaseConstructed() (defined in smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed) | smlt::TwoPhaseConstructed | inlinevirtual |
~Updateable() (defined in smlt::Updateable) | smlt::Updateable | inlinevirtual |