Simulant  21.12-574
A portable game engine for Windows, OSX, Linux, Dreamcast, and PSP
smlt::AABB Member List

This is the complete list of members for smlt::AABB, including all inherited members.

AABB()=default (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
AABB(const Vec3 &center, const Vec3 &extents) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
AABB(const Vec3 &centre, float width) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
AABB(const Vec3 &centre, float xsize, float ysize, float zsize) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
AABB(const Vec3 *vertices, const std::size_t count) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
AABB(const VertexData &vertex_data) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
centre() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
closest_point(const Vec3 &p) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
contains_point(const Vec3 &p) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
contains_points(const Vec3 *vertices, std::size_t count) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
contains_points(const std::vector< Vec3 > &points) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
corners() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
depth() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
dimensions() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
encapsulate(const AABB &other) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
encapsulate(const Vec3 &point) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
half_dimensions() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
has_zero_area() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
height() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
intersects_aabb(const AABB &other) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
intersects_sphere(const smlt::Vec3 &center, float radius) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABB
max() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
max_dimension() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
min() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
min_dimension() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
operator!=(const AABB &rhs) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
operator<< (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBfriend
operator==(const AABB &rhs) const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
set_min_max(const Vec3 &min, const Vec3 &max) (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline
width() const (defined in smlt::AABB)smlt::AABBinline